
Darrell Morris
Hello my name is Darrell Morris owner of DBJ Fitness, LLC.  I am a personal trainer specializing in fat loss and stiff joints due to lack of physical activity.  By using specialized exercises I can strengthen weak muscle, loosen tight muscles and pairing this with simple nutritional strategies help you loose fat.  I have a vast knowledge of hundreds of exercise that can be adapted to meet your specific needs.   To start loosing fat and reduce joint pain all you need to do is schedule an appointment.

Darrell Morris

B.A. Human Performance, Exercise Science & Sport
NSCA- Certified Personal Trainer
NASM- Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES)
NASM- Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS)
NASM- Golf Fitness Specialist (GFS)
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified (Pn1)

Call 720-298-0281 | DBJFitness@gmail.com 
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